Monday, January 10, 2005

Monday Morning Protest Score: 5 to 3

Five to three, this morning. The protesters and anti-protesters are making a good showing so far this year. The five protesters had some old signs, and a new one:

"The US is the greatest purveyor of violence"
Dr. Martin Luther King

Now, a quick google of the supposed quote finds nothing of the sort, but given the used of the word 'purveyor', and the appearance of the sign holder, I am guessing that he 1) does not know the actual definition of purveyor and 2) therefore must have read the quote somewhere, probably a paraphrase of a part of one of King's speeches against the Vietnam war.

Anyway, the three anti-anti-war protesters (does that make them pro-war?) were three women, three large posterboard signs with pictures (probably of deployed family members), a nice American flag, and great smiles. Of course, maybe their smiles just seemed exceptionally nice compared to the dour looks of the anti-military, anti-war, anti-Rumsfeld protesters. One other interesting note, the usual GG was not there today. I hope she is well. I'd hate to have to think about only seeing protesters on Monday! I am about as addicted to them as to my coffee.


Anonymous said...

A violent supplier of food, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Im not as awake as I thought I was...sigh...

My name is Kathreja, I am one of the 2 dark haired girls out there with the "thank you" signs on mondays. The smiles and smirks and thumbs up and heck out right salutes?!?!!! are thanks enough to get me and my friend Christine out of our warm beds at 430am GWAD that is an aweful time especally when your body is not programed for that stuff. As against the war in general as I am, ok, sigh... I admit it, I am a liberal...sort of... I am more liberal then conservitive but I grew up military, my mom was vietnam era, she wouldnt leave the base in uniform for all the crap she got... there is a diffrence between supporting the troops and being a moron... most of the anti-war people are morons.

It does my heart good to know that in some way us showing up helps out morale, I mean when we get thumbs up and smiles and salutes even from guys with more metal and ribbons then I could ever identify it makes hauling my butt out of bed just that much easier on monday mornings... of course being unempolyed because of layoffs is the other qualifying factor...

Of course thoes 2 fine gents whoever they were who brought us coffee....sigh... God bless them... it was perfect... just the right amount of cream and sugar...Caffeen is always a good thing....

max said...

Are you a Freeper?

Anonymous said...

Freeper? eh? umm... tecnically Christine and I are with Protest Warriors.


max said...

Just wondering. I have seen posts about this on several places... Ahh, now I see the connection. Either way, it is good to see this kind of grassroots activism popping up on the right side of issues. Good Job!

Anonymous said...

Eh... just trying to do our part... see ya monday!

max said...

Monday... Not so much. I, and most of the warmongering baby killers out to make Bush rich and assist in the purveying of violence, will be at home with our families. Even monsters like us like to take days off, sometimes. Especially when they are federal holidays.

Anonymous said...

Eh... we figure somebody has to work thoes days... so what the heck... that and we don't want the morons to show and there not to be some kind of balance... eh its a couple of hours out of my life what else am I gonna do sit around and drink hot coco???