Saturday, August 21, 2004 - You Decide 2004 - Kerry Urges Bush to Demand Attacks Stop - You Decide 2004 - Kerry Urges Bush to Demand Attacks Stop: "At a fundraiser, attended by about 750 people, Kerry said the attacks by a group of Vietnam veterans and former Swift Boat commanders have intensified "because in the last months they have seen me climbing in America's understanding that I know how to fight a smarter and more effective war" against terrorists."

Oh No! Who would have thought that those crafty swift boat vets were really Al Qaida terrorists! It was vets that brought down the towers, not radical muslim terrorists...

I wonder, really wonder, what they are putting in his coffee.


Anonymous said...

It bothers me that Bush did as he was told.


max said...

Or maybe he is just a wiley opponent, taking away some ammo from the opposition... Note that he widened the question to _all_ 527s, and mentioned that most of the money/ads in them have been rich fat-cats who oppose him.

max said...

Or maybe he is just a wiley opponent, taking away some ammo from the opposition... Note that he widened the question to _all_ 527s, and mentioned that most of the money/ads in them have been rich fat-cats who oppose him.

max said...

Or maybe he is just a wiley opponent, taking away some ammo from the opposition... Note that he widened the question to _all_ 527s, and mentioned that most of the money/ads in them have been rich fat-cats who oppose him.

max said...

Or maybe he is just a wiley opponent, taking away some ammo from the opposition... Note that he widened the question to _all_ 527s, and mentioned that most of the money/ads in them have been rich fat-cats who oppose him.