Peace on Earth
Yeah, it was a slow day for him, I guess. This was written on a flap of carboard held by an older looking man, who may have been out there to hit on the other geriatric granolas.
Rants, raves and ramblings: life wherever the Air Force sends us, gun issues, homeschooling tidbits, politics and whatever interests me when I sit down to write.
Peace on Earth
Yeah, it was a slow day for him, I guess. This was written on a flap of carboard held by an older looking man, who may have been out there to hit on the other geriatric granolas.
Say no to WAR!!!!!
Boring? Yes, that is why they need all the exclamation points.
You are killing and dying to make Bush (and Company) rich
(2004-12-03) -- Physicians at Groningen Academic Hospital in the Netherlands today expanded the category of people with 'no free will' who qualify for a procedure called 'life ending without request,' a form of euthanasia which doesn't require the patient's consent. "
As always, scrappleface has cutting wit... The truth is terrifying.
Even if he is from Hudson High (West Point), he is a great writer with a compelling story... Read it!
Adding to the GOP advantage, many of those who relocate to these high-growth counties tend to be more socially conservative and eager to distance their children from urban cultural influences — and, in some cases, from the heavy concentration of minorities and new immigrants in urban areas.
Republican messages about lower taxes also find a receptive audience in these edge communities, and some analysts believe Democrats are faced with the perception that they disapprove — at some intrinsic level — of families who abandon the urban centers and flock to developments that pave the distant countryside.
Ummm, I wonder where they get that impression? Could it be from statements like that in the previous paragraph? Hmmm?
Ummm... Am I the only one that sees a problem with this statement?
The Air Force Academy has received 55 complaints of religious bias or persecution in the past year, and cadets, parents and graduates allege the problems stem from leadership failure.
"The fish stinks from the head, and the head of this fish is (Superintendent) John Rosa and (Commandant) Johnny Weida," said an academy graduate whose son has been called "a (expletive) Jew" and "Christ killer" by other cadets, who were not punished.
Superintendent Lt. Gen. John Rosa Jr. defended the academy Wednesday, saying the school launched a sensitivity training program Nov. 2 for staff and cadets.
"The key here is to understand one another's beliefs and appreciate diversity," Rosa said in an interview. "Regardless of what you believe, you're all part of the team. We realize we have issues. We're working them hard."
But Rosa acknowledged he took little or no action in response to the 55 complaints.
He imposed new training after an August cadet survey showed more than half of cadets reported hearing religious slurs, comments and jokes, and 32 percent of non-Christian cadets feel Christian cadets are given preferential treatment, while less than 10 percent of Christian cadets feel that way.
Now he says he should have acted sooner.
The fervor over religious discrimination is the latest upheaval to hit an institution sul- lied in recent years by scandals involving sexual assault, cheating and drug abuse.
Rosa said all those issues stem from culture problems he and others are tackling.
Tuesday, he told the academy's Board of Visitors at a meeting in Washington, D.C., that problems first arose last spring when cadets sent out e-mail messages promoting "The Passion of the Christ," a movie about Jesus' crucifixion. Cadets have since been told not to use academy e-mail for such messages.
Rosa also excused some cadet behavior by saying it was "not mean-spirited" but rather a product of upbringing.
The parent, who wanted to remain anonymous fearing retribution against his son, took issue, saying he is "outraged" Rosa would say name-calling is not mean-spirited.
He also asked how many cadets Rosa has met with who filed complaints.
None, Rosa told The Gazette. "I get complaints every day about something," he said. "I could chase myself down a rathole. Once we started connecting the dots and had some intolerance issues, we put together a campaign."
Rosa said he heard of a cadet being called a "Christ killer," but the cadet did not provide information upon which officials could act.
Cadets and graduates, who asked to remain anonymous fearing reprisal, cited these indicators that academy leaders sanction Christianity and lack understanding of religious freedom:
- Nonbelievers were forced to march in the "heathen flight" during basic training.
Johnny Whitaker, academy spokesman, said he hadn't verified the claim.
- Commandant Brig. Gen. Johnny Weida, who has said he is a "born again" Christian, issued an e-mail message to personnel shortly after arriving in April 2003, urging all to "ask the Lord to give us the wisdom to discover the right. . . . The Lord is in control. He has a plan for . . . every one of us."
Whitaker saw nothing wrong with the advisory, saying it was sent in observance of the National Day of Prayer, "something that is sanctioned by the highest levels of our government."
- A month later, Weida issued a memo saying, "Remember, you are accountable first to your God. . . ." The Air Force oath requires allegiance to the U.S. Constitution first.
The academy had no response to Weida's comment.
- For at least 10 years, an advertisement proclaiming, "We believe that Jesus Christ is the only real hope for the World," ran in the base newspaper signed by hundreds of academy staff, leaders and spouses. Money to fund the ad was solicited using the academy's e-mail system.
Esteban Aguilar, an attorney in Albuquerque who represents a cadet's parent, said, "It is giving the impression of government sponsorship of religion, which is absolutely prohibited under our constitution." Rosa said the ad will not run this year.
- Some academy staffers cited New Testament scripture on official academy e-mail messages. Whitaker said staff has been "counseled" about the scripture.
- Inspections and training are held on Saturdays, the Jewish Sabbath, but aren't from 8 a.m. to noon Sundays, when Christian services take place.
Whitaker said, "There are times when people haven't been accommodated," and added the academy is working on allowing cadets to pick alternate training times.
- A recent workshop to discuss religious sensitivity was scheduled on Rosh Hashanah, a holy day. It was changed only after staffers noted the conflict to academy leaders.
Rosa said Air Force headquarters has promised help if needed.
So it seems that either 1) the Kerry camp and bin Laden are communicating or 2) al Qaida has teamed with Soros to become a 527. You be the judge...
Pupils from a nearby Muslim school will visit classes in the town's public schools to educate their counterparts in Islam. They will be accompanied by something called 'a multicultural trainer' named Afeefa Syeed.
In Herndon, during this month of Ramadan (which began Friday), there will be explanations of the fasting month and 'role-playing' that requires students to recite Muslim sacred words and imitate their prayer practices. "
Or what?!?!
Oh, he has some important bills to his name...
Here is a link to the original story...
Yikes! This is a must read...
"Spain celebrated its National Day on Tuesday with a military parade that added French troops and snubbed the United States by dropping U.S. Marines, who had participated in recent years.
Forty-eight soldiers from a French regiment marched along Madrid's main boulevard in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Paris from Nazi occupation. "
Ah, yes, the famous photos of Spanish troops liberating France, while the Yanks sat on their hands...
USA Today October 13, 2004 Pg. 8
It is my personal opinion that this is a killing field,” said Greg Kehoe, a U.S. lawyer working with the Iraqi tribunal preparing a case against Saddam. “Someone used this field … to take bodies up there, and to take people up there and execute them.”
Kehoe, who spent five years in the former Yugoslavia, added: “I've … been doing gravesites for a long time, but I've never seen anything like this — women and children executed for no apparent reason.
“It's a perfect place for execution,” he said.
The victims are believed to be Kurds killed in 1987-88. One trench contains only women and children, apparently killed by small-arms fire. Another contains only men, apparently killed with machine guns.
Kehoe said the women and children had been taken from their villages with their belongings, including pots and pans. They were shot, then bulldozed into the trench.
Some women died holding their children. One young boy still held a ball in his tiny arms. The body of a mother clutches her baby. The infant was shot in the back of the head, the mother in the face. A thick stench hangs over the site.
“The youngest fetus we have was 18 to 20 fetal weeks. Tiny bones, femurs, thighbones the size of a matchstick,” said investigating anthropologist P. Willey of California.
If you were wondering what Kerry was talking about, here it is! Hat tip to for this hilarious site.
I'm back! Though I don't have much time to write, these days, I'll try to throw a few interesting tidbits out. This one from the Post, via Buckley, is the most succint recital of the last few years as I have seen. Having read Bernard Lewis' book on the history of Islam, seen his prediction of an Islamic Europe within a few generations, I am convinced of the need for broad historical and geographic perspective. Benjamin and Simon's book "the Age of Sacred Terror" ties in this large picture with a more concentrated look at the roots of al Qaida going back to the Muslim Brotherhood...not as an organization, but as an evolving and cohesive worldview.
Islam is at a crossroads, much as Christianity was after the Crusades and in through the reformation. Which path will predominate, violence and statism vs relationships and personalism, remains to be seen. For now, the most vocal and attractive side of Islam is the one that gives followers a reason to live, and a reason to die.
I guess he realized that he made too big a target for the GOP, and was, in fact, helping them by showing up. Too bad he quit... He's smarter than I thought.
Waddaya Know! France discovers that paying the Dane Gelt does not keep the Dane away...
I feel bad for these guys, but still have to laugh at the irony.
That date was April 4th, 1968, but according to Kerry's own Website, it was not until November 17, 1968, that he reported for duty in Vietnam."
Ahhh, the selective memory "I remember..." disease so common to Dems running for office has claimed another victim.
Sad to see that some myths about homeschooling persist in centers of supposed higher education. Sad, but not surprising. I especially like the part about needing more federal research, which, of course, will steer money to the same institutions to study the problems they have 'discovered'.
When you can't argue the facts, argue that they aren't even comparable!
I take it back! He sounds today just like he sounded 30 years ago. This was taken from his book, and only the words in italics have been changed...
Scary, eh?
Hmmm... So "I voted for the war in Iraq before I voted against it" theme is back, but this time with Vietnaaaam. If he becomes president, this could be interesting: "I pushed for abortion restrictions before I increased federal funding for it." "I pressed for more free trade with China, before I argued that there should be sanctions on them". "I called for a tax cut before I signed the tax increase into law..."
Some may call it complexity, bifurcation, or diplomacy, but most American schoolboys would call it being a wuss, and most young women would call it fear of commitment.
--John Kerry, questioning President Bush's military-service record, February 8, 2004."
Best written summary of the duplicity of Kerry I have seen yet...Check it out in the WSJ.
Oh No! Who would have thought that those crafty swift boat vets were really Al Qaida terrorists! It was vets that brought down the towers, not radical muslim terrorists...
I wonder, really wonder, what they are putting in his coffee.
Zounds! Great hunks of six degrees of ken bacon, batman! We have a mighty conspiracy on our hands!
Is anyone investigating a 'web of connections' between the New York Times and the Kerry campaign?
My blood began to race as I parked the truck. The thump of the .50 BMG was familiar to me from my time in Iraq, but this time I knew I could get up close and personal, and not have to worry about someone shooting back at the sound. Every time one fired, the ground shook just a bit, and the closer I got, the more pronounced this phenomenon became. Cresting the rise to enter the 1000 yard range, my eyes were greeted by a wonderful sight: about 30 sets of .50 cal shooters, plenty of targets, and smoke. I walked down to the firing line and within minutes had been invited to test fire one.
How could I say no?
What an experience. For anyone who has not tried it, I highly recommend it. For those who have, you know what I am talking about...putting a 600 grain slug 1000 yards downrange accurately is AWESOME! The blast from the muzzle brakes of guns on either side rocked me a bit, but nothing compared to the shove the one on my shoulder gave me when I squeezed the trigger. Grass to the front and sides was burned and flattened from the brake, and I managed to pull the scope back on target in time to see the bullet hit about 8 inches high. Not bad for a first 2/3rds of a mile. Center of mass aim, still would have been a dead bad guy.
The fun did not end there, however. As I made my way down the line, more and more invitations to try guns were proffered. I fired a kit gun, an AR build and, best of all, a Barrett semi-auto. 10 rounds as fast as you could pull the trigger.
Two magazines.
I want one...
Wow! I wonder if he thinks he was JFK in a former life...or this one! Senator from Mass. with those initials... Kinda scary.
It seems that not only has Kerry forgotten where he was, he has a hard time remembering who he was...
I guess that is the danger of trying to remake yourself every day. Or maybe it is by showing that he has played so many fantasy parts, he hopes to get the Walter Mitty vote.
C'mon, guys! Hire a director or writer or something to help get your fantasy, er, story straight!
It seems to me I have seen this in a movie somewhere... Missing memories of a fight that may not have taken place.
Has anyone asked him if he would like to play a game of solitaire?
I know, you are all getting impatient. But that is nothing compared to how impatient Tamsey is getting. Today I caught her reading about castor oil and other 'home remedies' on-line. I'll post something as soon as I can, once we know anything. It looks like this Thursday is the longest the nice doctors will let her go, so lacking other info, look for something in this space then.
Once again, you can't make this stuff up!
Fast forward 2 years:
Heinz-Kerry sues President Kerry for divorce, claims husband 'forced her onto Marine One'.
In papers filed today in Boston, Teresa Heinz Kerry sued her husband, President Kerry, for divorce, citing irreconsilable differences. In her papers, Heinz Kerry agrees to give up her claim to half the White House in exchange for two years of Presidential veto rights...
Reverend Peterson said the criticism from conservative groups made it impossible for her to do her job. Peterson's most vocal critic, the conservative Catholic League, called her a, 'Left-wing activist' ... for filing an amicus brief supporting atheist Michael Newdow in his court challenge to the pledge two years ago."
Sometimes you just have to wonder...
A nice link to the ad...
As intolerant as the sentences you quoted sound, that idea is the mainstay of any internally coherent religion. Devout Christians and Jews, who hold to their Scriptures, also believe and teach that their religion is the only true religion. There is nothing wrong with that. That is why we have the First Amendment, to protect religion from the meddling of government. It is impossible to legislate thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and the free practice of religion is vital to a moral and lasting society. Religion, incidentally, is vital precisely because of its intolerance for deviation from the mores and rules it teaches. It restrains the natural inclination of man toward selfishness and wickedness. We cannot legislate the heart of man…
We can, however, legislate actions. That is the job of government, to protect those rights and liberties for which so many have fought and died these last 200+ years. When hateful beliefs become actions denying others their rights, the government has not only the right, but the responsibility to step in. A group that preaches hate as a core tenet of its religion should be monitored more closely than, say, a group that preaches meditation, because the preaching of hate is more likely to induce violence (thought it certainly does not cause or excuse it, given the free will of mankind).
In summary, the school has a right to teach their religion, and the parents have a right to have their children educated in their chosen religion. When those children become a threat, the government must meet that threat. That is the nature and the price of liberty. And, paid in blood by so many, we should not abandon our heritage now.
Well there is growing evidence that a decidedly more upscale meal was waiting for them back on the bus. According to the Mid-Hudson News Network, a Kerry campaign aide called the restaurant at the Newburgh Yacht Club the night before and ordered 19 lunches to go, to be picked up at about the same time that the Wendy's photo op was taking place.
A manager at the restaurant has confirmed to Fox News that the yacht-club meals included Shrimp Vindallo, Grilled Diver Sea Scallops, Prosciutto, Wrapped Stuffed Chicken, and Steak Salad. Total bill: just under $200"
You know, you can't make this kind of stuff up...
When groups of women get together, especially if they're mothers and have been married for more than six or seven years, and especially if there's alcohol involved, the conversation is usually the same. They talk about the kids and work—how stressed they are, how busy and bone tired. They gripe about their husbands and, if they're being perfectly honest and the wine kicks in, they talk about the disappointments in their marriages.
Quite the negative, depressing article. According to this 4 part report, there is no hope!
No, Tamsey is not in labor. Any day now...
I'll post an update here as soon as we know more. Her due date is not for another week, but you can use the comments section to vote for the day you think the blessed event will occur. Please add a time in case of a tie. Winner will get the first e-mailed picture of the girl, so please leave your name, Mr. Anonymous.
A much better sentance than jail time or a fine... We need more creative judges like this.
Whoops! Looks like Kerry has flip flopped on Wilson now...
Very interesting.
You can check out their coverage on line:Al Jazeera