Tuesday, January 13, 2009

AF Blogging Standards



Fr William Bauer said...

On a whim I listed Clarence Mulford as an interest on my blog, and it seems that there is ONE other (you) with a like interest.
I guess we're into old books. Recently I checked a Mulford book out of the Eureka County (Nevada) library and found it to be a original, printed in 1916 ... still in circulation.

80s Christian Rock is palatable too.

Clay Black said...

I get google alerts daily and one of my alerts is for Boykin Spaniels. Love to see folks such as yourself making such a wonderful breed such a part of your family. Ex Navy myself, but I will not hold the AF against you LOL I was an aviation electrician in the navy. My cousin is married to an AF pilot who is currently in Atlanta in C130 school. What do you fly out of curiosity. Proud of you for providing my family the freedom we live everyday. God Bless.
Visit my blog on boykins

Clay Black said...

Forgot, Google alerts is how I found your blog.

max said...

We love our Boykin, and since she is now 9 years old, we are starting to look for another Boykin pup I can train as a family/hunting dog. I discovered with Zephyr that she learned much faster when I taught her the basics, and then had a mature hunting dog hone her instincts. I want her to be around for a few years of training her replacement. Plus, it is so much fun watching a pair of yellow-eyed, liver-colored streaks of lightning dash through a field together...